Create a query to filter or to use in filter query
How to
Use some feature that allow use SearchQuery<> (i.e. Filter or FacetQuery)
Configure query
Optionally use a chain of methods
Simple cases
Use case
How to
Query generated
Query to find all informed values (conditional AND)
query.Field(f => f.Categories).All("category1", "category2")
cat:("category1" AND "category2")
Query to find some of informed values (conditional OR)
query.Field(f => f.Categories).Any("category1", "category2")
cat:("category1" OR "category2")
Query to find something starts with informed value
query.Field(f => f.Categories).StartsWith("c")
Query to find exact informed value
query.Field(f => f.Categories).EqualsTo("category1")
Query to find negate informed value
query.Field(f => f.Categories).NotEqualsTo("category1")
Query to find someting in informed range
query.Field(f => f.Price).InRange(1, 10)
price:[1 TO 10]
Query to find someting greater than informed value
query.Field(f => f.Price).GreaterThan(1)
price:[1 TO *]
Query to find someting less than informed value
query.Field(f => f.Price).LessThan(1)
price:[* TO 10]
Complex queries
Use case
How to
Query generated
Query expression isolating in a group
query.Group(price=> price.Filed(f => f.Price).InRange(1, 10).Or(popularity => popularity.Field(f => f.Popularity).GreaterThan(5)))
(price:[1 TO 10] OR popularity:[5 TO *])
Last updated
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