Facet range
Create a facet range
How to
Configure facet
Optionally, change one or more settings
Read data
Use case
How to
Sort type of result of facet
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.SortType(FacetSortType.CountAsc))
Minimum count of itens in facet's result
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.Minimum(2))
Limit of itens in facet's result
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.Limit(10))
List of tags to exclude in facet calculation
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.Excludes(new[] { "tag1", "tag2" }))
Counts should also be computed for all records with field values lower then lower bound of the first range
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.CountBefore(true))
Counts should also be computed for all records with field values greater then the upper bound of the last range
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.CountAfter(true))
Specify a filter or list of filters to be intersected with the incoming domain before faceting
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.Filter(f => f.Field(q => q.Id).EqualsTo(10)))
Specify if last bucket will end at �end� even if it is less than �gap� wide
.FacetRange("AliasName", q => q.Price, "1", "10", "100", facet => facet.HardEnd(true))
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