Dynamic field behaviour


Use dynamic fields controlled by you in code

Useful when use a unified collection and isolate your tenant by a prefix/suffix in each field

How to

  1. You need prepare your SOLR collection with dynamic fields, to do this, follow steps in SOLR wiki

  2. Choose one or more approachs:

    2.1. Using global settings (see </tutorials/global-settings> to more informations), than all searchs will use prefix and/or suffix setted in global settings (useful when you know your tenant in app startup)

    2.1.1. Set global settings

            .AddSolrExpress<TechProduct>(builder => builder
                .UseOptions(options =>
                    // ... Other settings
                    options.GlobalDynamicFieldPrefix = "my_prefix_",
                    options.GlobalDynamicFieldSuffix = "_my_suffix"
                // ...  Other settings

    2.1.2. Optionally, set global settings for specific field

        using SolrExpress.Search.Behaviour.Extension;
        services.AddSolrExpress<TechProduct>(q => q
            .ChangeDynamicFieldBehaviour(q => q.Manufacturer, prefixName: "my_prefix_", suffixName: "_my_suffix")
            // ...  Other settings

    2.1.3. Change your class that represent your collection, extend Document (see </tutorials/getting-started> to more informations), set dynamic field in SolrFieldAttribute, like below:

    public class MyDocument : Document
        [SolrField("myfield_s", IsDynamicField = true)]
        public string MyField { get; set; }

    2.2. Using settings to each search, than only this search will use prefix and/or suffix (useful when you know your tenant only in after some process)

    2.2.1. Set settings in your search

        using SolrExpress.Search.Behaviour.Extension;
        DocumentSearch<TechProduct> documentSearch; // From your DI provider
            .ChangeDynamicFieldBehaviour(q => q.Manufacturer, prefixName: "my_prefix_", suffixName: "_my_suffix")
            // ...  Other settings

    2.2.2. Change your class that represent your collection, extend Document (see </tutorials/getting-started> to more informations), set dynamic field in SolrFieldAttribute, like below:

        public class MyDocument : Document
            [SolrField("myfield_s", IsDynamicField = true)]
            public string MyField { get; set; }

    2.3. Using settings to each field, than all searchs will use prefix and/or suffix setted in field settings (useful when you know your tenant in hard code)

    2.3.1. Change your class that represent your collection, extend Document (see </tutorials/getting-started> to more informations), set settings in SolrFieldAttribute, like below:

        public class MyDocument : Document
            [SolrField("myfield_s", IsDynamicField = true, DynamicFieldPrefixName = "my_prefix_", DynamicFieldSuffixName = "_my_suffix")]
            public string MyField { get; set; }


See another example in issue 206;

Last updated